I can often be fascinated by which colour of Clipper lighter my local Sikh newsagent chooses for me. On occasions, in more decisive moments, I specify the colour. In other carefree spontaneous times I leave it down to chance and am non-specific on the colour. One time, I requested the Cobalt Turquoise coloured Clipper lighter, he frowned at me, head bowed but with his eyes still above his little glasses with a such a petite frame. I exclaimed "the greeny-blue one be great" and went on to wish him a great day tucking a newspaper beneath my arm.

Currently, I own a clear Clipper lighter. I keep losing it on my white studio desk amongst the hub-bub of paint, papers, brushes, pens and other creative sundries. I really must go to the market and purchase some gas from that Jamaican chap so I can refill my favorite colours. That would be good.